I have rabies. I have never been to the moon. I make my mom sad with my choices. I'm alive out of spite. If I don't turn it into a joke, it will destroy me. Ask me about the time loop. I deserve a gold star for being so sweet and nice and not killing. I'm just built different (unstable). There is blood in my mouth. There is a world outside my body. How bleak! Gender is whatever you can get away with. You need to draw and make art or else all the images will stay in your head and you'll get sick. Ask me about the time loop.


This is a Work in progress.

After watching the great titans known as "social media platforms" crumble to dust, the artist knew they had many paths ahead but decided to choose a difficult and arduous quest to pursue. And so they set off, teaching themselves HTML coding with zero previous knowledge of coding whatsoever. Perhaps that can explain why the website is so poorly scrapped together.


Deranged freak by day, illustrator and animator by night. Currently in school for animation. In my free time I draw, mostly. But I've been told it's boring for an artist to claim they "like to draw" in their free time. My other, less passionate intrests include playing videgames, reading comics, writing comics, writing short stories, playing Table-top roleplay games (TRPGs), making TRPGs, watching people play TRPGs, baking, and thinking about TRPGs.

Currently I am working on various projects involving illustration and animation. I am also writing a TRPG titled "RATWORLD" (no one saw this coming.)

I dont like introducing myself. I've always felt like I was introducing someone I've never met to an audience expecting me to be an expert. Though, I suppose that's what it is. I doubt I've really met myself.